IKM Subsea

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Membership Type: corporate

Website: https://www.ikm.com/ikm-subsea/
Address: 22 Pandan Road, Singapore 609274
Contact Name: Mahesh Govindan; Ruben Subramaniam
Email: mahesh.govindan@sg.ikm.com ; ruben.subramaniam@sg.ikm.com

IKM Subsea is a market leader in the provision of turnkey ROV and subsea operation services. With more than 15 years of both manufacturing and operational experience with the IKM Merlin series of Electric WROV’s and trenchers, we are a pioneer and world leader in the use and development of electric work class ROV technology.

IKM Subsea was the first operator to demonstrate a successful track record in development and use of electric WROV’s. This inhouse knowledge has been fundamental in placing IKM Subsea at the forefront off the resident ROV solution providing  24/7 – 365 ROV operations utilising the IKM Subsea’s onshore control center (OCC).

The features of the electrical WROV is of paramount importance and the heart of the reliability when it comes to our ability to stay submerge for long operational periods. Base on this we are also the first ROV manufacturer and operator to provide a commercial service through theuse and development of Resident WROV’s. IKM Subsea are constantly working to improve our products, develop new services and more efficient ways of working as we enter this new journey of remote technology and resident ROV operations.