The 1st edition of our 2021 Webinar Series starts with virtual seminar discussing the Outlook for the Asia Offshore Wind Industry. The offshore wind sector in Asia is expanding rapidly. While Taiwan has taken center stage in the past two years, markets such as Japan and South Korea are becoming more attractive with more projects and ventures being announced. We also discussed offshore wind developments in new markets such as Australia, India and Vietnam. This virtual seminar was organized in partnership with Watson Farley & Williams

The 14th edition of our 2020 Webinar Series discussed the prospects for floating offshore wind in the Asia-Pacific region. With several project announcements in countries such as South Korea and Japan in the past year, the prospects for floating wind are gaining moment. We will present an outlook for the region and a detailed overview will be provided for the key countries. The webinar was organized in partnership with Iberdrola, Principle Power and Vryhof.

Our 8th Market Session Webinar discussed how regulations shape credit risks of Asian wind developers. We presented on key regulations and industry-wide credit trends in China and India while at the same time an assessment will be given on how this affects wind developers’ credit profile. The webinar was organized in partnership with Fitch Ratings.

Our 7th Market Session Webinar discussed the outlook for the Taiwanese Offshore Wind Market. The Taiwanese Offshore Wind Market is poised to witness multifold expansion as the country will need to reduce its reliance on fossil fuel generation and build a cleaner sustainable power generation mixture. The forecast is that Taiwan’s offshore wind capacity will reach over 4.5 GW by 2025, expanding to 10.1 GW by 2030, and reaching more than15 GW by 2035. The webinar was organized in partnership with Eiger Law, Infolink Consulting & KPMG.

Our 5th Technical Session Webinar discussed early technical assessments and installation implications in the offshore wind industry in Asia. As the number of offshore wind projects being developed in Asia is fast increasing, we will discuss issues such seismic risks, cable installation and ways to maximize the project site potential to reduce LCOE. The webinar was organized in partnership with LOC Renewables.

Our 6th Market Session Webinar discussed the highlights of the World Forum Offshore’s (WFO) H1 2020 Global Offshore Wind Report which was recently published. The additional 2,535 MW installed in 1H2020 underlines the robustness of the global offshore wind industry with 2020 likely to be another record-breaking year for global offshore wind installations. The webinar was organized in partnership with World Forum Offshore Wind.

Our 4th Technical Session Webinar discussed the development of onshore wind farms for the next generation of bigger turbines. As the top wind turbine OEMs are ‘upsizing’ the capacity of their turbines and average hub height is increasing, developers will need to adapt their development strategy and construction plans to accomodate for the next generation of turbines. The webinar was organized in partnership with Wind Pioneers, Siemens Gamesa and Anemos.

Our 3rd Technical Session Webinar discussed the topic of managing weather risks for offshore wind projects in Asia-Pacific. As the renewable energy sector in Asia-Pacific grows, so do concerns on the impact of extreme weather conditions on offshore wind turbines and business continuity. The webinar was organized in partnership with StormGeo.

Our 1st Technical Session Webinar provides an overview of the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the wind industry and how AI can help optimize O&M strategies. Wind farm owners such as Google have boosted the value of the wind energy it produces by 20% after installing its own AI software across its largest renewable energy facilities in the wind industry. The webinar was organized in partnership with AI Energizer and Maycroft.

Our 5th Market Session Webinar provides a discussion on How the Offshore Wind Industry is Going to Finance its Fast Growing Expansion in Asia. With more and more development projects being announced, it will be a challenge for the industry to finance all these projects in different markets and jurisdictions. The webinar will also include Lessons Learned from European Financing for Offshore Wind. The webinar was organized in partnership with UL and Credit Agricole.

Our 3rd Market Session Webinar discussed the outlook for the renewable energy sector in Indonesia. Although Indonesia has one of the largest potentials for renewable energy in the region, it has been lagging behind its neighbours in the development of its renewable energy sector. As developers and investors are showing strong interest, the government will need to implement a stronger incentive policy for renewables. The webinar was organized in partnership with BCLP and Mott MacDonald.

Our 3rd Market Session Webinar discussed the outlook for the renewable energy sector in Indonesia. Although Indonesia has one of the largest potentials for renewable energy in the region, it has been lagging behind its neighbours in the development of its renewable energy sector. As developers and investors are showing strong interest, the government will need to implement a stronger incentive policy for renewables. The webinar was organized in partnership with BCLP and Mott MacDonald.

Our 2nd Market Session Webinar discussed the outlook for the offshore wind market in Japan. As the country needs to replace some coal-fired power and nuclear power, the country plans to boost renewable energy. There is a strong fundamental need for offshore wind power in Japan and the government has taken decisive steps to support the sector. The webinar was organized in partnership with Baker & McKenzie.

Our first Market Outlook Webinar will discussed the short term impact of the COVID-19 situation on power demand and the fundamentals of renewables versus other technologies and the outlook for the offshore wind industry in Asia-Pacific. The webinar was organized in partnership with Wood MacKenzie.