Senior BD Specialist

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Category Location Posting Date
Operations and Maintenance, Project Development Japan 05 Dec 2024

Please feel free to reach out to Jonathan Luk for more information about this role.

E-mail: j.luk@taylorhopkinson
Mobile: +866 911-308-770 (Call & Whatsapp)
Line: lukjonathan

Job Requirements:

  1. 3-5 years of experience in the development of domestic and international solar power, energy storage, or charging station projects.
  2. Ability to work long-term with external developers and have the ability to perform feasibility assessments, such as grid connection evaluations, development process management, land regulations, and risk potential reviews.
  3. Develop project development plans and follow up on the progress with developers and clients.
  4. Willingness to travel overseas for business trips, attend meetings, conduct site inspections, and prepare related reports.
  5. Assist in preparing project reports for investors and bank financing.
  6. Communication and reporting with management.

Other Qualifications:

  1. Japanese language proficiency at N2 or higher.
  2. Mandarin language is a must
  3. Familiarity with or experience in the Japanese electric power market is a plus.
  4. Understanding and tolerance of different cultures/soft thinking/ability to have a holistic intuition and understanding of project development (not necessarily detailed technical knowledge, but must know when and what to do, what the next steps are, and who to consult for specific issues)/ability to foresee and manage the four major elements of project construction (safety, cost, quality, schedule)/ability to independently create project plans/ability to independently interpret single-line diagrams/possess business thinking/ability to summarize processes and integrate resources.


1. 具3~5年國內外太陽光電、儲能或充電裝案場開發經驗
2. 能長期與委外開發商配合,並具有執行可行性評估能力,如併網評估、開發流程掌握、土地法規及相關風險潛勢檢討技術。
3. 擬定專案開發計畫並與開發商及客戶跟進案件開發進度。
4. 配合海外出差,出席會議及案場現勘作業並製作相關報告。
5. 協助針對投資者及銀行融資的專案報告書。
6. 與管理層的溝通與報告等。

1. 日本語檢定N2以上等級
2. 必須能講普通話
3. 熟悉或具備日本電業市場運作相關經驗者優先取用
4. 對異文化有一定的理解和包容力/軟性思維/對建置專案有全域觀性質的直感和理解(不需要懂得極端技術細節,但是必須知道什麼時候該做什麼,下一步該做什麼,什麼事情應該找什麼人相談)/對建置專案4大要素(安全 價格 品質 時程)的預見力和管理力/能夠獨立繪製項目計劃書/能獨立解讀單線結線圖/具商業思維/流程總結和資源整合能力
